A Way of Life


Archived video of the Zoom Webinar.


A presentation and discussion with Lummi educator, fisher and tribal leader Tim Ballew.




Muckleshoot Food Sovereignty Project

"According to the First Nations Development Institute, food sovereignty is defined as 'the inherent right of a community to identify their own food system.' This means that as a community we have the power to choose the food on our table."

Indigenous Knowledge in a Changing Climate

Indigenous Peoples of North America have always had to accommodate and respond to environmental change. Oral histories, recollections of contemporary elders, and terms in their numerous languages have allowed understandings of responses to change, most recently since the colonial era. Traditional knowledge systems incorporate adaptive capacity.

Constructed Coastlines of the Salish Sea: Integrating Archaeological, Indigenous, and Ecological Perspectives

Prior to contact with Euro-Americans, the Salish Sea was anything but a natural place. Rather, its coastscapes were profoundly anthropogenic, having been constructed, engineered and managed by Indigenous peoples over the Holocene. I first cover the archaeological record that supports this assertion, focusing on my research in the southern Gulf Islands of British Columbia. Second, I consider the social dimensions to how landscape construction and resource management systems operated in the past.

Developing Indigenous-Specific Indicators of Health

For spring, 2020 all WWU classes are being taught online. As such, the Huxley Speaker Series is revisiting favorite presentations from the Archives.

This talk was originally presented as part of the Huxley Speaker Series in Spring 2016.



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